Saturday, April 24, 2010

F 18 D Hornet Night Attack- future project

RMAF has acquired the F18 D Hornet since 1997 and still in service until today. The model shown below is Academy 1/32 scale and is actually big! It comes with decals for the RMAF. There are certain parts of the model that need to be modified to make it as close as possible to the one used by the RMAF. Mr Low of Hobby HQ was very nice indeed to recommend me the items needed.This will be my next project..)if I can find ample time!!..respek betul kat brader yang buat Hornet ni, cantik dan it will be another challenge for me to build one like this in the future!
satu gambar Hornet TUDM saya dapat melalui Google Search...sebagai reference


  1. pergh...en suhaimi saya ade satu blom buat lagi,,,ni yang semangat ni
    so heli haritu da sampai ker?

  2. saya beli bargain dari pakcik saya, harga crazy sale!..heli dah amik tadi..tqvm

  3. hoho,,nice,,tp mcm blom kaler je hornet tu,,interior cockpit xde picture en suhaimi?? hehe

  4. saya pun rasa dia x kaler lagi orang buat saya pinjam gambar dari site dia..
